Amanda Owen-Meehan Amanda Owen-Meehan

Why your high performer is a terrible manager and how you can help them

Why is your brilliant team member struggling to adapt to life as a new manager when they were such a high performer? Organisations make the common mistake of thinking that high performance equals high leadership potential. But brilliant individual contributors don’t always translate into great leaders.

How do we create future leaders but also find ways to help people progress in their careers who maybe don’t want to be people managers? And how can we make sure that the people we do choose to lead can do so successfully?

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Amanda Owen-Meehan Amanda Owen-Meehan

Why community counts for women who are growing their careers

Over the summer I’ve been promoting my business at conferences and events and it has reminded me of the power of community.

A professional community could fill a gap that your current role might not provide. There are clear benefits to being part of a community of like-minded women when we want to grow our careers and this month's blog takes a look at why community counts when working on your career growth.

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Amanda Owen-Meehan Amanda Owen-Meehan

What exactly is career success and why do so few of us ever reach it?

It's all too easy to get distracted by the success of others and forget what success means to us personally. So, historically career success has been measured in terms of money, power, and job title But career accomplishments like promotions, results from working on a project or qualifications don’t always equal career success.

You give so much time and energy to work and your career, it makes sense to get clear and determine what success looks like in your own mind. But defining success is tricky and deeply personal. Defining your version of career success is the first step.

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Amanda Owen-Meehan Amanda Owen-Meehan

10 Career Coaching Myths You Need To Stop Believing

There’s a coach for everything these days.  You can have a life coach, a performance coach, a spiritual coach, and even a money coach. Coaching is one of the fastest-growing industries and at the moment it's still an unregulated industry.  But there is also a lot of confusion and misinformation about what coaching is and what it isn’t.  In particular, there are misconceptions about career coaching that linger despite its popularity. 

In this month’s blog, I want to call out the myths that surround career coaching and help you to get a better understanding of whether hiring a coach is a good investment for you. So let's sort fact from fiction by busting these ten career coaching myths. 

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Amanda Owen-Meehan Amanda Owen-Meehan

Role Model, Mentor, Sponsor or Coach - What's the difference and who do I need to grow my career?

If you are feeling unfulfilled in your current role or have tried a job search but you’re not getting anywhere you might need some help. But who do you ask? The coaching industry is the second fastest-growing industry in the world so it certainly won’t be hard to find someone who says they can help you.

But how do you find the right person and whose help do you actually need?

In this month’s blog, I’ll be explaining the key differences between a role model, mentor, sponsor, and coach and how to decide who is the best person to help you achieve your career growth goals.

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Amanda Owen-Meehan Amanda Owen-Meehan

5 listening methods that will transform your career (and 2 types of listening to ditch!)

When someone is communicating something to you, are you really listening?

Think about the last time that you felt like someone was really listening to you—it felt good, really good, didn’t it?

But not only that, becoming a better listener will benefit your personal and professional life in so many ways. Let’s dive into how working on this skill can help you develop in your career.

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Amanda Owen-Meehan Amanda Owen-Meehan

New job? A guide to surviving and thriving in your first 90 days

So, you’ve got through the application process, negotiated a great offer and you are about to take the next step on your career journey in a new role. Congratulations! Quickly the initial excitement can be replaced by nerves and fear.

Transitioning from one role to another will take some adjustments. Don’t expect to get everything right straight away.

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